Give Your Plant Pots New Life with Unicorn Spit

Give Your Plant Pots New Life with Unicorn Spit

I wrote about Unicorn Spit in my last post about making galaxy nightstands. Unicorn Spit is a concentrated gel stain that you can use on a variety of surfaces.

Since I still had a lot of Unicorn Spit left over from my nightstand project, I decided to give my plant pots a makeover. I haven’t come across many fun and colorful pots when I’ve gone to the plant nursery, so I’ve been making do with these basic looking ones.

They are okay but the colors are very plain for my tastes. It was time for something different!

The first thing I did was clean and wipe down the pots. Then I spray painted them with some Krylon Fusion All-In-One Satin White Spray Paint.

After the spray paint dried, I started painting the pots with Unicorn Spit. I found that it was much easier to paint the terra cotta pots than the plastic ones. The plastic ones required a lot more coverage. Sometimes when I started layering on another color, it would wipe off the previous color.

Since I currently only have 3 Unicorn Spit colors, I was limited in my color palette. For some pots, I worked with a stripe-like pattern. For others, I used a sponge to keep layering on different colors. For some, I just mixed a bunch of the colors together at once.

Once the Unicorn Spit dried, I sealed the pots with some Rust-Oleum High-Gloss Clear Top Coat.

I do think the terra cotta pots came out looking much better. There is much more coverage with the colors. I am happy with how all the pots are much more interesting now though! In the future, I would like to use some more colors or incorporate some glitter spray paint.

I can’t wait to transfer my plants to their new homes! The only one I’ve got set up so far is this new spider plant in my kitchen.

If you’ve got some old plant pots lying around that could use a new facelift, I highly recommend painting them. Even if you don’t use something like Unicorn Spit, just spray painting them a different color is enough to transform them!
