To My Future Little Unicorn

To My Future Little Unicorn

Truth be told, I didn’t think you’d ever exist. For the longest time, I didn’t see myself choosing to bring new life into the world.

Part of it was fear. I experienced various sorts of trauma growing up, and at times I felt like I was broken. I didn’t want the terrible things that happened to me to happen to you.

And to be honest, another part of it was a sort of rebellion against societal expectations. I found myself frustrated that despite my noteworthy accomplishments, all most people seemed to ask or care about was whether I’d be having children.

With time and self-reflection, I found my perspective changed. I changed. I started working toward a life where I could entertain the possibility of having you.

My “never” became a “well, maybe if…” which eventually turned into a “okay, I actually want this.”

To be honest, I’m still a little scared. But I’m also happy and excited. I’m ready to embrace this new adventure.

I don’t know what the future holds, but the one promise I can make is that you’ll be surrounded by love.

Our home will be a place where you can feel safe to be yourself, and you’ll never need to make yourself small.

We will likely mess up as parents sometimes, but we’ll always work to make things right and learn to do better.

While we will expose you to our interests, we’ll also give you the space to explore your own. Whoever you end up becoming, I hope you’re never afraid to dream or take risks.

And when the world feels a little dark, I hope you remember there’s magic and light inside you.
