Embracing Joy in Times of Conflict

Embracing Joy in Times of Conflict

I’m going to be honest. I’ve found it difficult to find the magic these days. I believe in it. I know it’s still there. But I’m struggling.

I started this site because I wanted to inspire others to live their most magical lives. But with everything that’s been going on (pandemic, civil unrest, corrupt leadership, etc.), I didn’t want to be tone-deaf. It feels weird to write about rainbows and unicorns while people are either being killed by a deadly virus or being murdered by the police.

I’m doing what I can to support these crucial social movements but I find myself feeling like it’s not enough and I wish I could do more. I’ve found myself living in this constant state of anger, fear, and anxiety for the past few months. Every now and then, I’m able to enjoy myself, but then feel guilty for it because I know so many others are suffering.

I came across a few articles that made me rethink my perspective, and I wanted to share them here:

These articles highlighted the importance of joy in one’s life and well-being. I’m working on learning to give myself permission to feel the good things, too.

Here is a list of things that have brought me joy this year:

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • My family
  • Group chats / text threads with my friends
  • Getting outdoors
  • Swimming

What about you? What’s brought you joy?
