Eat the Rainbow: Multicolored Smoothie Popsicles

Eat the Rainbow: Multicolored Smoothie Popsicles

I’ve recently amassed a few unicorn-themed cookbooks. I’ve decided to start a new series where I try and review various recipes from these cookbooks. I was excited to make these smoothie popsicles!

This recipe is from Unicorn Food: Natural Recipes for Edible Rainbows. This recipe book focuses on using natural ingredients to make colorful food.

This ingredients are pretty easy to gather and make about 10 popsicles:

  • Cut up fruits (I used dragon fruit, blueberries, and mangos)
  • Sweetener (1/2 cup sugar or 1/4 cup agave syrup)
  • 3 1/2 cups plain yogurt
  • Natural food coloring

It’s also pretty easy to follow. Mix the yogurt and sweetener and divide it up into different bowls – one for each color. Then you fill up your popsicle molds with the fruits and yogurt.

Since it’s currently in the triple digits here in Las Vegas, these smoothie popsicles are a tasty summer treat! I had a lot of fun making them and combining the different colors together. I highly recommend this recipe if you have a sweet tooth but want some control over your sugar intake. It’s super easy to adapt depending on your sweetness preferences. You might also like making some rainbow unicorn ice cream.

The popsicle matches my hair!
