About Me

About Me
Me in a unicorn onesie at 7 Magic Mountains
This is me wearing my unicorn onesie at 7 Magic Mountains

Welcome to How To Unicorn! My name is Meri and I am a real-life magical unicorn. If you love unicorns and adventure, you’ll feel right at home. You can expect to find fun and practical tips on travel, style, and living.

You might be wondering why I consider myself a real-life magical unicorn. For one, I’m kind of obsessed with unicorns as you can tell from some of the pictures above. I’ve lost count of how many unicorn related items I have but my friends and family can attest that it’s a lot. I don’t know when this obsession started; it might have been the Rainbow Brite cartoons I watched when I was a kid. Unicorns are also a symbol of strength and hope for me. They have helped me through the hard parts of life and taught me to look for the magic. Now I want to share what I’ve learned along the way.

I started this blog as a creative outlet with the goal of inspiring and teaching others to live their most magical life. If you’re feeling stuck or otherwise discouraged, I hope that my stories and tips help you find your own inner magic.

I currently live in Las Vegas but I’m California born and raised. When I’m not obsessing about unicorns, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, spoiling my dogs (Gordie and Walter), writing, traveling, reading, crafting, trying new food, and consuming all kinds of media.

The doggos – Walter and Gordie.