A Unicorn’s Pandemic Survival Guide

A Unicorn’s Pandemic Survival Guide

It’s hard not to feel a little freaked out when it feels like the whole world is about to collapse. Sometimes it feels like we have no control and it’s easy to lose ourselves in a panic. Those feelings are valid and real. So here’s a pandemic survival guide on how to deal.

Step 1: Take a Deep Breath

Close your eyes and count backwards from 10. If that seems like too much, start from 5. Whatever works for you, just take a moment to remember how to breathe.

Step 2: Move Around

You might have some pent up energy that you need to get out. So, get it out. Move however feels right to you. Shake your head. Wiggle your fingers. Wave your arms around. Do some jumping jacks. Walk. Dance. Do whatever it takes to release any negative tension you might be feeling.

Step 3: Remember You’re Not Alone

Social distancing can be difficult. For the most part, we’re social creatures, even those of us who tend to keep to ourselves want to interact with others on occasion. Find ways to connect with people you care about. Start up a texting thread or group chat. Join some online groups. Play online games with your friends. We’re all in this together.

Step 4: Take Care of Yourself

Find ways to take care of all of you – your mind, your body, your soul. Draw up a bubble bath. Drink some coffee or tea. Curl up with a good book. Binge watch your favorite shows. Do whatever it is that makes you feel better.

Step 5: Take Care of Others

Once you take care of yourself, ask yourself how you can take care of others. We’re all in this together. Don’t hoard all the resources and supplies. Find ways to give excess to those who really need it. Reach out to people in your network who need support and figure out if there’s a way you can chip in. Other unicorns need to survive, too. It’s how the world stays magical.

Step 6: Embrace Your Power

We can’t control what happens to us, but we have control over our reactions. It’s important to remember that this is ONE moment. It WILL pass. Try to focus your time on worthwhile endeavors. What are the ways you can redirect your energy to make the world a happier, magical place?


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